Note: Please turn up prepped and ready to go. This is your time in the Studio and I’m here to accommodate you, but that time is far better spent in front of the camera than the mirror. That said, a few moments making sure everything looks prim and proper before we start is a must.
Hair – don’t get it cut right before your session – you might not like it or it won’t have had time to settle into itself (1-2 weeks) For those with long hair, do bring hair spray, serum etc. Bare in mind, Photoshop can be used to remove general fly aways, but I never remove all of them as it tends to look ‘photoshopped’ (heaven-forbid) Best to capture what we can in camera (we’ll continually be keeping an eye on it throughout the session) but do make an effort to be happy with your hair on the day and not rely on the retouch/edit.
Beards – the same applies, you’re more than welcome to shave mid-shoot, if so I would advise taking your time to avoid any nicks or cuts.
Make Up: Subtlety is key – I’ll leave that to your own discretion. You can always add more as the session goes. Bear in mind – little spots, rashes etc. can be easily removed in the edit, so not necessary to cover up with heavy powder. That said, do bring a little to combat shine if needed.
Actors, you’re unlikely to walk into a casting with ‘paint an inch thick’, so probably best to look similar in the headshots which represent you. Please don’t worry about blemishes and little spots (or big ones either). Photoshop is there as a tool should, sod’s law, any unwanted maladies pop-up the day before your shoot. Also, Lip Balm. Worth considering. Yes, I’m talking to you too gents – a little sheen to the lips never hurts.
Note: If you’d like to hire a Professional Make-Up Artist, you’re more than welcome – however, make-up will have to be completed before you arrive.